Is Interactive Brokers Group Inc (IBKR) Holding Up Well Over a Long-Time Horizon?

At the time of writing, Interactive Brokers Group Inc [IBKR] stock is trading at $232.65, down -1.22%. It is a good measure of the stock’s recent performance to check whether the stock’s short-term value is rising or falling. The IBKR shares have gain 5.05% over the last week, with a monthly amount glided 22.39%, and […]

Interactive Brokers Group Inc (IBKR) Shares Gain 9.62% Over Last Week

A share price of Interactive Brokers Group Inc [IBKR] is currently trading at $223.48, up 2.78%. Until recently, the best way to gauge how the stock has performed was to look at its short-term value. The IBKR shares have gain 9.62% over the last week, with a monthly amount glided 26.50%, and seem to be […]

Long-Time Horizon Analysis of Interactive Brokers Group Inc (IBKR) Stock

Interactive Brokers Group Inc [IBKR] stock prices are up 3.30% to $182.50 at the moment. Until recently, the best way to gauge how the stock has performed was to look at its short-term value. The IBKR shares have gain 1.11% over the last week, with a monthly amount drifted -1.71%, and not seem to be […]

Interactive Brokers [NASDAQ: IBKR] Launches Cryptocurrency Trading Through Paxos

Interactive Brokers Group, Inc. [NASDAQ: IBKR] has successfully launched cryptocurrency trading through Paxos Trust Company. Paxos Trust Company will allow the clients to trade and custody Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), and Bitcoin Cash (BCH). Interactive Brokers remains focused on offering a breadth of products worldwide, sophisticated technology, and superior pricing. Paxos is a […]