Long-Time Horizon Analysis of Baozun Inc ADR (BZUN) Stock

Baozun Inc ADR [BZUN] stock prices are down -1.57% to $3.75 at the moment. One of the good ways to gauge the recent performance is if the stock’s short-term value is rising or falling. The BZUN shares have gain 11.28% over the last week, with a monthly amount glided 31.12%, and seem to be holding […]

Baozun Inc ADR (BZUN) Shares on the Rise: Short-term Analysis

At the time of writing, Baozun Inc ADR [BZUN] stock is trading at $3.72, up 8.45%. Until recently, the best way to gauge how the stock has performed was to look at its short-term value. The BZUN shares have gain 16.98% over the last week, with a monthly amount glided 37.27%, and seem to be […]

Baozun Inc ADR (BZUN) stock price forecast predicts $2.2 value

Currently, Baozun Inc ADR [BZUN] is trading at $3.23, down -3.58%. Until recently, the best way to gauge how the stock has performed was to look at its short-term value. The BZUN shares have gain 5.90% over the last week, with a monthly amount glided 17.03%, and seem to be holding up well over a […]

How did Baozun Inc ADR (BZUN) surprise investors with its report?

Baozun Inc ADR [BZUN] stock is trading at $3.18, up 3.92%. It is a good measure of the stock’s recent performance to check whether the stock’s short-term value is rising or falling. The BZUN shares have gain 10.03% over the last week, with a monthly amount drifted -2.45%, and not seem to be holding up […]