Dada Group [NASDAQ: DADA] Publish White Paper on Snack Food Category in O2O Consumption

Dada Group [NASDAQ: DADA] which is China’s prominent local on-demand delivery and retail platform, Mars Wrigley China, and Kantar, collectively issued the White Paper on Snack Food Category in O2O Consumption. The White Paper offers perfect industry understandings into the on-demand consumption of snack food and explores the latest trends of the snack category in the O2O (Online to Offline) commerce and its future plan in China.

As per the data revealed by White Paper, the O2O market size of snacks exceeds 1 billion RMB. The online sales increases by 32%, and the average transaction value (ATV) on JDDJ is about 51 RMB. It is higher than offline expenditure. Snack food has made it one of the most significant classes for O2O commerce for its high growth rate and ATV.

Furthermore, White Paper explained that the online sales of snacks make up only 18%, while offline expenditure estimates 64%. There is a huge growth possibility in O2O and omnichannel marketing. Moreover, about 72% of respondents want to buy snacks as soon as they see them. As compared to everyday goods such as rice and oil, snack food is a high-frequency consumption category, with per capita 22 purchases per year.

In addition, for brand marketing, JDDJ has set up its IP (Intellectual Property) marketing matrix. Through Dada’s collaboration with JD, the omnichannel marketing ecosystem includes’s more than 530 million high-quality users and JDDJ’s over 50 million active consumers. It makes a new O2O consumption scenario and fosters the marketing and sales growth of brands.

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